Wednesday, November 01, 2006

39. The Big Fat Kill

by Frank Miller

Book three in the Sin City series, The Big Fat Kill is Dwight’s story again. This part is featured in the movie, with Clive Owen, Rosario Dawson, and Benecio Del Toro. In case you haven’t seen the movie, Dwight is Shellie’s new boyfriend, in as much as either of them can really have a significant other because, as a waitress in a seedy bar it seems that Shellie would have many male suitors. And I don’t really buy that Dwight would consider himself tied to one person for any extended period of time. So I think that by calling Dwight Shellie’s “boyfriend,” he’s really just the guy she happens to be seeing at the time. Anyway, Shellie used to go with Jackie-Boy, a cop who comes to her apartment drunk, with his thug friends in an attempt to gain further favors from her. With Dwight hiding behind the shower curtain, Jackie-Boy’s visit to the bathroom results in his head being shoved in a toilet, a scene that is several pages devoid of words that are more shadows than drawings and are so much more effective in their silence. The movie does do this scene justice.

Dwight escapes by jumping off the ledge of the bathroom window and, knowing that \ Jackie-Boy and his clan are following him, drives his car straight into Old Town. If you’ve been following along in the series, you know that Old Town is run by hookers, owing to an agreement they have with the law enforcement. However, when Dwight lures Jackie-Boy into their realm and they meet their end, thanks to deadly little Miho, it’s only then that he finds Jackie-Boy’s police badge and realizes that Shellie wasn’t telling him to stop as he jumped off the ledge – she was telling him “He’s a cop.” All bets are off and the girls of Old Town know a war’s coming.

Of course, if you’ve seen the movie you know that Dwight gets captured by angry militants and thrown into a tar pit, to be saved by Miho who delivers the message that Gail has also been caught. Gail is in the hands of Manute, former bodyguard to Ava who is a former love of Dwight. I’m still having some problems figuring the chronology of these books and the only way I know that The Big Fat Kill is after A Dame to Kill For is that Manute is missing his eye in this book, having had it pulled out by Marv in the previous book. I don’t quite know how Dwight’s relationship with Gail falls in – he’s with her after he realizes that Ava is evil, but then he’s with Shellie at the beginning of this book. Then he’s with her at the end, calling her the “Valkyrie at my side,” as if he’s devoted to himself to her again.

Well, I suppose that’s not really an issue because Gail and Dwight probably fall in and out again throughout the series, but I’m still confused as to where Marv’s story falls in. I’m also interested to find out what happens to Becky, the hooker who first lures Jackie-Boy into the gang’s clutches, only to double-cross the friends that protect her by selling Gail out to Manute. At the movie’s end we see her enter an elevator with the ominous Josh Hartnett, but his character hasn’t show up yet so I don’t know if she meets a fitting end for her treason. Next up is That Yellow Bastard, which follows Bruce Willis’s part of the movie and introduces us to Nancy, the highly-desired cowgirl dancer who, if you’ve ever put all seven books together in order, graces the series’ spines. I hear they’re planning a movie for the remaining books, so I should probably get on these pretty soon.


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